Nautilus news

Nautilus Council confirms governing body leadership

26 June 2019

Members of the Nautilus Council have voted to confirm the Chair and Vice-Chairs at the Union's 41st meeting held in Rotterdam.

Ulrich Jurgens was unanimously returned as Chair of the Council for another four-year term. This is his third term as Chair, having first been voted to the role in 2011.

Wilco van Hoboken was returned as Vice-Chair and Iain MacKenzie as Deputy Vice-Chair. The pair were voted in unanimously by Council Members.

Mr Jurgens said: 'I am very honoured in your repeated trust in nominating me to the Council Chair for another four years.'

Nautilus Council is the governing body of the Union. Its role is to verify that the General Secretary and Union staff do their job in accordance with the Rules. It meets four times a year.

The 41st Council meeting was attended by Council members and Trustees including new members elected in April 2019, Samantha Belfitt and Graham Fisher. Ms Belfitt is a member of the Union's Young Maritime Professionals group and a third officer with P&O. Mr Fisher is 3rd Officer with Teekay Gas and founder of The Shipping Exchange podcast.

A full list of Nautilus Council members can be found under the Who we are section.

The 42nd meeting will coincide with the Union's four-yearly General Meeting.

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GM 2019 formal notice

By decision of the Council of Nautilus International, notice is hereby given that the 2019 Nautilus International General Meeting will be held at the Hilton Hotel, Rotterdam, from Tuesday 8 until Thursday 10 October 2019. The meeting is due to commence at 0930hrs on Tuesday and finish with a gala dinner on Thursday 10 October, with guests departing the hotel on the morning of Friday 11 October.

Members wishing to move motions at the meeting had to submit them in writing, signed by at least four full members whose contributions have been paid up, to reach head office by no later than 1700hrs on Friday 5 July 2019.
Financial assistance for travel and hotel costs may be available on application to the Union. For further information, email Adele McDonald at

Full members needed to register before the closing date on 30 August 2019.

Registration has now closed Motions will be available in members area
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General Meeting guide to motions

Time is running out, but members can still formally submit proposals for debate at the upcoming Union General Meeting in Rotterdam from 8-10 October 2019, as long as the motions are received before 5 July. We have produced a handy GM guide with motion forms in three languages. Have your membership number and password handy as you will need to login to download the forms. Please note that the form appears in the three languages of the Union, but the meeting will be conducted in English only.

Submit a motion
