
Red Funnel ups member pay offer

14 February 2020

Isle of Wight ferry company Red Funnel has increased its pay offer from 2.3% to 2.7%, making the salary uplift 0.6% above the current rate of inflation (RPI).

The company's revised offer came on 16 January 2020, following feedback and anonymised comments made by Nautilus members during the pay discussions.

National ferry organiser Micky Smyth said: 'It is refreshing to see that the company has acknowledged our concerns, which bodes well for our professional working relationship going forward and Nautilus welcomes the increase in salaries on behalf of members.' 

Red Funnel HR director Debbie Reed told Nautilus: 'Based on this feedback and the fact that rail fares have increased by an average of 2.7%, I consulted with the board of directors further. Against a challenging backdrop we have managed to secure agreement to increase our offer of 2.3% to 2.7%.'

Ms Reed said that the company would process the pay uplifts in February, backdating them to 1 January 2020.

Red Funnel's new operations director starts in February, Ms Reed said 'when we can commence discussions and develop a plan for reviewing the pay differentials and annual leave provisions'.
