
Unions challenge proposed redundancies at PNTL

17 February 2020

Unions have challenged the number and detail of posts proposed for redundancy at Pacific Nuclear Transport Limited (PNTL), as part of its decommissioning plans for the UK-flagged nuclear fuel carrier Oceanic Pintail.

Nautilus International and delegations from the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) also reiterated their total opposition to compulsory redundancies at the third collective consultation meeting in at PNTL's home port of Barrow-in-Furness on Friday 7 February 2020.

The process of decommissioning the 5,721gt, 103.9m, 1987-built Oceanic Pintail was expected to begin on 10 February, with no job terminations expected to take effect until the end of March.

It was agreed that a three-week window for consideration of voluntary redundancies (VR) would be opened once all PNTL crew members had received their VR figures in advance.

Nautilus national organiser Steve Doran, said the next meeting is scheduled for 5 March, after the closure of the VR window. A joint Nautilus/RMT meeting will take place in Barrow-in-Furness that morning.
